
How to use the autograder


This course uses an autograder for grading your assignments. This exercise demonstrates how to

  1. Download your assignment to your VM

  2. Answer the exercises

  3. Upload your answers to the autograder


Open a terminal on your native machine and start Vagrant

cd msbx5420vagrant
vagrant halt
vagrant up

Download the exercise from GitHub

cd work
rm -rf autograder
rm -rf MSBX5420-001-FunctionalProgramming
git clone

Stop remove all containers - you will see errors if you have no containers running

docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Start your Spark Notebook

docker run -d --name spark  -p 8888:8888  \
    -v $HOME/work:/home/jovyan/work:rw  \
     jupyter/all-spark-notebook \ --NotebookApp.token='' 

Open your browser and go to:


Pull up the exercise in the "autograder" folder

Answer the question at the end of the notebook

Note that you must comment out the "raise NotImplementedError() and insert your answer

Download the notebook and submit to Canvas


  • The notebook Downloads to you virtual machine.

  • The name of the file to be submitted to the autograder must be "stock_kurtosis.ipynb", exactly the name when downloaded from GitHub.

  • The cells are graded per the "assert" section. Use care when modifying graded cells

Stop all docker containers on the VM

docker stop spark
docker rm spark

Shut down the VM - from the native machine

vagrant halt

Last updated