Installation and Getting Started

Install and Run Spark from Docker

This Download is memory intensive. Stop WORD, PowerPoint, Docker, etc before going on.

Open a terminal window in your native machine.

Change Directory (cd) into Vagrant directory and start your VM

cd msbx5420vagrant
vagrant up

Open a terminal in your VM and do the following:

  1. Create a work directory that will contain all of your class Jupyter notebooks

  2. Download notebooks I have created so far for the class.

mkdir work
cd work
rm -rf MSBX5420-001-FunctionalProgramming
git clone && rm -rf /MSBX5420-001-FunctionalProgramming.git

Stop all running docker containers

If you do not have docker containers and images you will see error - ignore them.

docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi jupyter/all-spark-notebook

Pull the spark image

docker pull  jupyter/all-spark-notebook

Verify that Spark is running

docker run -d --name spark  -p 8888:8888  \
    -v $HOME/work:/home/jovyan/work:rw  \
     jupyter/all-spark-notebook \ --NotebookApp.token='' 

Goto your notebook

Open a browser window and issue:


You can exit the browser and stop the spark container

docker stop spark

Stop your VM from your local machine (Mac OS or Windows)

vagrant halt

Last updated

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